It is healthy and honorable to weep at the loss of someone we love. Healthy because such a passion must be released. Honorable because it is respectful to admit the importance of people who have loved and supported us... people whose footprints cannot ever be matched.
Maya Angelou
Tobi's Story
After looking through a dog book that a friend had I decided I wanted a Shiba Inu. Known to be smart, clean, independent, relatively quiet (unless threatened), alert, and good natured, I thought that a Shiba would be the perfect addition to our family. I sold the idea to the parentals. One morning, months after talking to my parents about "needing" a Shiba, I was awoken to "Do you want a big or small present?"
Me: BIG!
M&D: Okay go into the living room to get your present.
I wasn't sure if this was just a ploy to get me out of bed (I was known for easily sleeping 12-13 hours on a free weekend) but hey, I was intrigued! When I made it out to the living room there was a large kennel filled with dog food, water and food bowls, blankets, towels, and toys. I was still sleepy and now very confused.
M&D: Do you want the small present?
Me: YES!
They handed me a large envelope filled with papers. OMG! Puppy papers!
M&D: How fast can you get ready so we can pick him up?
I think I was half way back up the hallway before I could respond. I was known for taking a while to get ready, but on that particular day I was ready in about five minutes and ended up waiting for M&D! I remember the car ride to pick up my puppy seeming to be the longest ride ever (in actuality it was probably about 20 minutes)!
Tobi and I instantly bonded. He was cutest little fur ball I had ever seen! He had super soft and fluffy fur, big eyes, little ears that didn't quite point upward yet, a curly tail, and the sharpest little teeth! It was love at first sight.
Every time we came home Tobi would greet us with a whole bunch of excitement as well as a ball or a toy. He used to sit near me or in the hallway as I practiced the violin or did my homework. On occasion he gave me "the signal" (little bite/nip) when he disapproved of a date. And late at night when everyone was asleep, he used to listen to me as I told him my deepest secrets, about my crushes, the things that happened to me during the day, and all the things I promised I wouldn't tell to anyone else at school (cause sometimes you need to tell someone).
The addition of Furry, as I sometimes called him, was one of the best things that happened to our family. While he tested our patience at times, he loved us, was extremely good natured, made us laugh and smile, helped us to meet our neighbors, watched the house while we were out, on occasion woke us up with a wet and slimy ball, and what I am most grateful for, he brought our family together when we needed it most.
I love you, To, and I miss you so much. XO