Sunday, May 8, 2011

I love you, Lorelai!

Does anyone remember the show Gilmore Girls? 

Lorelai and her daughter, Lorelai.  Stars Hollow.  Emily, Richard, and Trix.  Luke and his diner.  Suki and Michel at the Dragonfly Inn. Dean, Jess, and Logan. Chilton and Yale. Lane and Paris.  And of course... the theme song, "Where you Lead." - Good times!
The Gilmore Girls has got to be one of my all time favorite TV shows ever!!! The quick wit and banter of the dynamic mother daughter duo always kept me laughing and thoroughly entertained, and the special bond that Lorelai and Rori shared reminded me a lot of my mom and me.  For one hour a week, the show gave me enough mother daughter moments and sass to keep me from falling prey to homesickness in college.  Oh, how I wish they had come out with a Gilmore movie... but I guess DVD reruns will do.

Today was Mothers' Day, a day that is very special for me!  I love that there is a day that my mom and I can celebrate each other and the bond that we share every day of the year!

I also want to wish Sister a Happy Mothers' Day! 

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