Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wedding Wednesday! - I'm on the move!

via Sister's Pinterest
As the countdown to the wedding continues, I am beginning to get the fitness and "slenderize" bug.  Like most brides out there, I want to look and feel the best I can on my wedding day.   With 5 1/2 months til the wedding (crazy!) I have become proactive to to reach this goal by becoming more active and making better food decisions.  

Become More Active: It has been a while since I last purchased a pair of shoes that had laces or required socks, so it's more than an understatement to say that getting a new pair of shoes was a MUST.  To be honest, buying running shoes isn't quite as fun as buying a pair of heels, but I felt a tinge of pride knowing I was on my way to getting into shape.

 With a friend, my new shoes and I have officially taken the first few steps to reaching my fitness and "wedding body"goal.  So far we have only gone walking a couple of times (4 1/2 miles each time!), but unlike Zoomba, I think my afternoon walks will be a fitness regimen I will stick with.  :)

Make Good Food Decisions:  I know that in order to reach their wedding body goal some people will cleanse and other try fad diets, but I have taken a different (more realistic) approach: I don't deprive myself of anything, but just make better choices.  
What exactly do I mean by this?  
I still love to eat onion rings, cupcakes, and pasta, but as often as possible, I just try to make healthy choices so that I don't feel guilty when I do want to splurge. 
What are a few of my healthy food choices?
Well, I try to eat breakfast everyday, and choose fat free yogurt with fruit over pastries.  When deciding what to get eat for lunch, I often (not always) choose salad rather than a burger or if I do choose the burger, I opt for a salad rather than french fries.  When getting snackie in the afternoon, I try my best avoid the office candy jar by choosing a high fiber cereal or granola.  And, when going out to eat, I try to portion out my food so I don't eat 2 or 3 servings of food.  These changes have not been easy but so far so good.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to do the same. Kudos to you for making healthy food choices! It's soooo hard sometimes. I've been pretty good about limiting my vending machine runs during the day. I have to walk around more in the office as well. Go team!
