Tuesday, May 3, 2011

RSVP frustration

RSVP is an abbreviation for the French phrase,
 Répondez s’il vous plaît 
Translation: “Please respond.”
always a lady: rsvp

Etiquette Note: When a host sends an invitation and asks you to respond, yes or no, it is expected that you respond (before the date indicated).  

The concept of an RSVP seems simple, right? I thought so.  Apparently I was wrong. 
When I sent out the invitations for my Tea Party I thought it was more than reasonable that I allowed for more than two weeks for guests to RSVP.  So can you imagine my shock (and frustration) when almost a third of the guests did not respond!  
As a host, I needed to know how many guests to expect.  When I made the original reservation I had agreed to pay for the number of guests expected, even if the actual number of guests as less than expected.  More than anything anything else, I am peeved because quite simply, it was rude for my guests not to respond.  

Moral of the story: If someone is kind enough to invite you to an event and asks that you reply whether or not you plan to attend, please, kindly respond. 
Okay. Great. Thanks.