Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Don't Wait til Tomorrow

Real Simple April 2011 coverI've been feeling a little overwhelmed recently: work (it's tax season), all the wedding planning details, keeping up with household chores, errands like post office and grocery shopping, planning a tea party, and being mindful of completing the items on my Thirty Before 30 list.  Sometimes after a long day at work I am so mentally exhausted I collapse on the couch as soon as I walk in the door and surrender to my looming to do list even before I get to it.
Today was one of those days: when I got home today rather than doing one of many things I should have done, I plopped on the couch and grabbed the Real Simple that's been sitting on my coffee table for more than a week.  Almost immediately one of the cover stories caught my eye "how to stop procrastinating - now."  OMG. How did it know? Strait away I turned to page 192 and used to tips in the article to attack my procrastination.

Tip #1.  Do the worst thing first I counted the number of invitations I will need for my half of the guest list (I have been putting this off): 63

Tip #2.  Start your day over at 2 p.m. I took a shower and had a bowl of cereal.  Fed and refreshed, I felt ready to tackle the second half of my day.

Tip #3.  Make the job smaller I have been desperately avoiding the task of organizing my dresser drawers and closet.  Rather than tackling all of it, I cleaned out 2 drawers.  Confession: I may or may not have stuffed some things from those drawers into the others...

Tip #4.  Create an audience Donne called and during a catch up session we discussed our wedding plans and to do lists which made me feel much better.  Talking to Donne even helped me to outline the questions plan to ask during my Thursday meeting with our event coordinator at the country club.
Tip #5.  Race the Clock I set my clock for 30 minutes and folded cranes (from my TB30) - I finished 3 cranes and got started on #4

Tip #6.  Don't interrupt yourself I sent the email I have been meaning to send for the last few days and ignored  the 2 incoming calls and the text too (I didn't even check the text!).

To all other procrastinators out there... it's not that bad... just get started with one thing :)


  1. OMG it sounds like you just copied a page out of my own life.. lol! Between work, wedding planning, grad school, personal goals, and life in general.. sometimes I just lose steam by the end of the work day! I love that you posted up these Real Simple tips, I think I'm gonna have to go hunt down a copy of my own! PS. Your blog is fab!

  2. this is great!! i work at an accounting firm so i fully understand you when you say how crazy it is during tax season! we're almost there though!
